In addition to fund management, PHFM also provides securities portfolio management services to domestic and foreign individual / institutional customers. In portfolio management service, PHFM is authorized to utilize customer’s capital in investing securities and other assets stipulated in the signed investment trust contract.
Each customer owns his/her portfolio through a segregated depository account at a licensed Depository Bank under his/her name. All money and property of the customer as well as all the related transactions that PHFM is entrusted to perform are placed under the strict supervision of the Depositing Bank, which ensures independence, transparency, safety and confidentiality. Customers can use either discretionary portfolio management service or non-discretionary portfolio investment service of PHFM in managing their portfolio. Depending on the characteristics, risk appetite and risk tolerance of each customer, we advise, design, and monitor the appropriate portfolio to suit each customer’s distinct needs.
PHFM’s portfolio management service can bring the best value of money for each customer with balance between expected return and risk appetite.
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